EloGod Multibiz Ventures Stockfish

Stock fishes are fishes that are normally grown and dried under hygienic circumstances to preserve the fish and its nutrients for consumption. We have the following ranges of stockfish for supply:

Cod Fish:

Codfish is a species of fish that is commonly used in Nigeria to make stock fishes. We have in stock both cod head and cod bale readily available for supply and way billing for customers from far away locations.

CX-Apama with Ear

CX-Apama with ear is another very popular species of stockfish in Nigeria that is used in preparing local delicacies and dishes. We always have a full stock of apama c+ of very high quality.

C CUT A Skinless pieces of fillet

We have C CUT A Skinless pieces of fillet available for purchase in large and small quantities for our customers who may wish to buy or order from long distances.

Haddock Fish:

Our haddock fishes are thoroughly bred and dried in a manner that preserves them perfectly, we make supplies in bales and also in smaller quantities for customers buying in units.

C CUT B Skin On Pieces of fillet

BBC-1 Whitefish bones from filleting

SCB Saithe collarbones

SX Saithe heads with collarbones


Sc- Saithe cutlets

BBS-1 Saithe bones

TUSK With Ear

Block 2A GF 8 Eziukwu Market New Site Extension, Stockfish Complex, Aba, Abia State, Nigeria.

Phone Number:

0810 480 8004, 0810 180 3865

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